Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Freedom Comes From Within

What Is Your Work Schedule?
            Have you ever left someone after a conversation with a saying, “Don’t work too hard”? This is bad advice. Laziness brings poverty. Proverbs 10:4 says, “Lazy hands make a man poor, but diligent hands bring wealth.” Many people say something like, “I wish I was Donald Trump” or “Bill Gates sure is lucky!” But the truth is they were willing to work harder than the average person to gain their wealth.
            Proverbs 12:27 says, “The lazy man does not roast his game, but the diligent man prizes his possessions.” If you look at the poor’s houses, many have junk everywhere. But they have very little of value. On the other hand, the rich have many possessions in some semblance of order with much value. The rich realize that if they do not take care of the possessions they will have to replace them and use money that could have otherwise been used elsewhere. That is one way wealth is created.
            Proverbs 26:15 says, “The sluggard buries his hand in the dish; he is too lazy to bring it back to his mouth.” This glutton has sat around on the couch all day and fallen asleep with his hand in the chip bowl.
            Ecclesiastes 10:18 says, “If a man is lazy, the rafters sag; if his hands are idle, the house leaks.” Again, not maintaining what you have leads to the destruction and loss of property.
            Heard enough to get the point? Giving advice to “not work hard” only leads to laziness and poverty. Perhaps you are thinking, “Rick, it is only a saying.” That is true, but words are what change lives. The “sayings” you use can affect people in a negative or positive way. Why not leave someone with, “Make a lot of money” or “Work now so you can take off later”?
            Words cannot be taken back! If they are said enough times people begin to believe them. How do you talk to your children? Do you uplift them or tear them down. Do you assure them they can be whatever they want to be or tell them they are no good?
            Words lead to a good or bad work ethic for those around you. I used to work for a boss who reminded me every day I could be fired. One day I told him, “No I can’t, because I quit!” The work environment most want to work in is a positive influence on their lives.
            Those who work at a place that encourages relationships and positive motivation see less turn over than other workplaces. Upon exit interviews recently it has been discovered that the main reason for people leaving one job for another was not money. It was that they felt like they didn’t matter. The job did not promote a positive influence in their lives.
            Your attitude affects your performance as well as those around you. If you don’t like what you are doing, get another job that will make you happy. If that is not an option then get happy in the job that you have. Happiness is a state of mind. You can be happy in your current circumstance if you choose to.
            Try this exercise for one week. If you don’t like it you can always go back to being miserable. Wake up in the morning and say out loud, “I love my job and today is an awesome day.” While you are at work smile and tell everyone how good it is to see them. After one week see if your outlook has not changed. The next week will be even better and soon you will truly love your job. You have actually talked your mind into believing it to be reality.
            Work is something that has to be done. Even the pauper has to get out of bed eventually. Why not make something of yourself in the process.
            You are victorious! You are an achiever! Everything you work at is a success! It is God’s plan for you to prosper in your work. So prosper! Stop allowing others to dictate how you will live your life. If they want to fail, let ‘em! You however, will succeed. Strangely enough, many of those who might have been failures will change their life around as well by watching your life. Positive influence or negative influence, that is up to you.