Thursday, January 12, 2017

Jude (Part 1)

Click here to listen to Jude (Part 1)

Jude is a book that explains how we are to live in these last days for the Lord Jesus Christ. Jude explains that we can live the overcoming life for God, but we must not be afraid to speak. God has given us everything. All he wants in return is for us to honor him and share his Gospel.

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Honor Jesus in Everything You Do

God blesses those who follow Him. He has given us a road map through his Word to tell his children how to honor him. He gave his Son Jesus so that we might have a relationship with him.

God loves his creation and asks us to come to him in the way that he has laid out. He sent his Son Jesus to die as a blood sacrifice to ensure any who accept the grace of God will have eternal life.