Monday, May 16, 2016

Freedom through the Word

Freedom Through the Word

It is in times of stress and disappointment His freedom is felt the most. When there is no one else to turn to, He will listen. The time to turn to God is every day to form the relationship that is healthy for the Christian to live his or her life. He understands better than anyone when the hurt goes deep.
The relationship nurtured in the good times allows us to come closer to God in the times of struggle. It is only through the comfort He offers that one can understand His power and His grace. It is through faith we turn to Him and accept the fact that He has our struggles in His hands and is faithful to see us through.
As the daily grind moves on, our faith is weakened. That is why prayer and study are so important. It is only through prayer and contact with God that we can overcome the daily pressures we face every day. Sometimes our hurts go deeper than others can understand because they seem petty to those who would be looking from the outside in or from one who has already experienced and overcome a similar struggle.
For example, a child might be distraught from losing a race or getting a “C” instead of an “A” on a paper. The adult who has come through the struggle the child is facing knows that the struggle will soon be over and forgotten and might dismiss the struggle being faced as insignificant. Even so, it is no less devastating in the moment for the child.
God sees from the inside out and understands what motivates our hurts. Sometimes those hurts are motivated by selfish desires which must be confessed. However, other times the hurts are motivated by past experiences that have not fully healed. These are hurts that others cannot see and are ignorant of. Therefore, what triggers the existing hurt is not known by onlookers, making your existing situation seem small to those around you. This is a time when you must ask for God to give you the power of grace. God’s grace will keep you from turning bitter to those who don't understand what you are currently experiencing.
As you forgive those around you for making light of the hurt you are currently go through, you will be released of future hurts from the event that affects your present situation. This forgiveness allows you to experience true freedom and move through the struggle on to victory.

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