Your First Choice; Your Church or Your Country?
If you were given the mandatory
option of Church or country; which would you choose? Would you die for your religious conviction?
The Muslims purport a lie. They are indoctrinated to believe the lie. And they
are willing to die for the lie through their convictions. Are you prepared to
die for the Truth? If not, do you truly believe in the Truth who is Jesus
Patriotism is a wonderful trait if
the patriot is of a nation that honors God. However, patriotism on its own
merits is empty. There were patriots in Nazi-Germany; there were patriots in
communist-Russia; there are patriots in Muslim countries. Patriotism in and of
itself is not honorable. Only the ideals of country are what are held in high
regard. In turn, those who hold to the moral ideas of the Bible are good
Does the previous argument seem
exclusive? I hope so! It is only through The Truth that one can hope to have
the highest degree of patriotism. Our country was founded on the principles of
high ideals upheld in the Word of God. Many today are trying to redirect our
moral ideals to include the politically correct lies that are purported by a
culture that no longer knows what truth is.
Therefore, one’s patriotism must be adjusted according to
one’s devotion to God rather than country alone. Those Germans who opposed
Nazi-Germany were labeled traitors by the government, not patriots. Strangely,
it would seem that patriots are generally those who oppose tyrannical
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