Thursday, October 12, 2017

Satan: Former Light Bearer

Fear Not: Angels Have Your Back
From the Book "Fear Not: Angels Have Your Back"

Satan was the chief angel; the angel of angels. Now he is the chief demon. Instead of being the “light bearer” he is the prince of darkness. Angels are God’s created beings; they are not people who have died before us. The people in Christ who have died before us are in paradise with Christ. He told the thief on the cross he would be with Jesus in paradise that very day (Luke 23:43).
This means, when a person dies who is in Christ, he or she goes to paradise with Jesus. Is paradise heaven? The Bible is not absolutely clear on the distinction. Nevertheless, when one who is in Christ dies, he goes to a place of peace rather than a place of torment. Possibly, it is a holding place for the return of Christ before we all go to heaven. Even so, that is for the topic of another book.
For the purposes of this study, it is sufficient to say that one goes to live with Christ, not to become an angel. That is not to say that we will have nothing to do in heaven, but our duties will be different from those of the angels.
The angels are not to be feared; that includes Satan. If you have a relationship with Jesus, you have the power within you to overcome the Satan and the world. You have the power within you to defeat the enemy and live the abundant life. Jesus said, “I have come that you might have life and have it more abundantly (John 10:10). Satan comes to kill and to destroy, Jesus came to give life.
If you accept the life of Jesus you will have struggles, but you will be given the power to overcome the struggles. If you choose Satan, your struggles in this world may be few, but eventually, the acceptance of sin will catch up and you will live in an eternity without Christ; an eternity of suffering and torment.
Throughout the rest of this book we will examine and discover the awesome power available to us as Christians. The “trick” is to get up and do something. The world is in chaos because Christians have allowed Satan, “the beautiful one” to infiltrate every aspect of life including the church. The world wants glitz and glamour and in the name of getting people to fill the church, leaders have given in to the glitz and glamour theory.
The truth is, Satan was the “bearer of light,” but Jesus is The Light. Satan’s glitz and glamour is fleeting, but Jesus’ light is forever. Satan offers a temporary “high;” Jesus offers abundance for eternity. Satan is the deceiver; Jesus is the Truth. Satan offers fleeting power over the moment; Jesus offers eternal power to live in love.
The abundant life that Jesus spoke of is real. It is a life that must be shared with others for it to come to true fruition. Christians, it is time to get off of your couch and get into the battle. These are the last days. There are too many signs in the news that prove it. Do not be the one who has decided to sit it out. Do not be deceived, trust God! Embrace the fulfillment of your calling.

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