Monday, April 22, 2013

Faith In Action


We had been praying for a youth minister at the church for about six months. I attend a Bible study on Tuesday nights and a young man began to come to the study as well. The young man lived in another town, but was staying with his mother for a short time to be with his father who was dying.

When his father passed away, he told his mother he was going to move back to Rockdale to be with her. So he and his wife came back to their hometown and began to come to our church.

A member in our church informed me on Sunday that David, the young man in whom I am referring to, was previously a youth minister at his former church. On Monday I called David to have a meeting with him. When I asked him if he would consider being a youth minister again he told me he and his wife had discussed the prospect on the previous Friday. They decided if the Lord wanted them to be in the youth ministry again, someone from the church would call. I was not aware of the prayer at the time nor was the man who suggested I make the call.

Coincidence? Not in the walk of a person of faith. God orchestrates his Kingdom with precision. He listens to the prayers of those who follow him and answers. There is no coincidence that we had been praying for a youth minister who was sent to our front doorstep.

Unfortunately, there are skeptics who might tend to explain this away. Nevertheless, God is in control and orders the steps of those in whom he loves.    

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Faith: Substance of a Powerful God

Faith Comes by Hearing - If faith comes by hearing and hearing the Word of God, it is important for one who is seeking faith to hear the Word of God (Romans 10:17)? Sound obvious? . . .

Faith Comes by Hearing

            If faith comes by hearing and hearing the Word of God, it is important for one who is seeking faith to hear the Word of God (Romans 10:17)? Sound obvious? Many people throughout the ages have received their faith through “learned” men who give their own opinion about faith. The opinion given includes preconceived ideas of a limited God who could not possibly have done what was described in the Bible.

            The limitations of the teacher are placed on the student. Most students have relied on the biases of the Pharisee, Sadducee, priest, preacher or teacher that is proclaiming the Word. Unfortunately, the hearer of the Word was really only hearing part of the Word; the part the teacher wanted them to hear or the part the teacher could understand through his limited faith in God. Instead of the believer reading the Word him or herself and discovering what God has told them, he or she relied on the “learned” man or woman to give it to them.

Long ago, due to the lack of knowledge of the general population the Pharisee or priest maintained his own power by telling only what he understood, or worse, only what he wanted his listener to know. Because of the lack of education of the general public it was a necessity. However, today we have an intelligent population. Today, ignorance is due to the laziness of the believer who does not want to take the time to get to know the One who has given them the greatest gift ever; salvation.

It is vital that you rightly divided the Word of truth (2 Timothy 2:15). It is up to you to read the Word and discover its truths. As long as you depend on someone else to feed you, you will only get what they want you to have.

It is not the aim of this book to sway you to my way of thinking. It is to encourage you to look for God’s way of thinking through his Word. I pray this book is merely a catalyst to help you discover truths long forgotten or discounted by those who would have you remain ignorant.

If, upon completion of this book, you choose to discount what is said, that is up to you. However, I am giving true accounts and life experiences that have been witnessed by many and cannot be refuted or explained away. There are those who have tried to explain away the miracles listed in this book through their own biases. Nevertheless, one cannot explain away truth, one can only deny it.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Faith: Substance of a Powerful God - Chapter One (excerpt)

Hebrews 11:1 (NIV) Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.

Have you ever considered how it was to be in the first century church? Have you ever wondered what it was actually like? Jesus had been on the earth and was crucified. Some believers had walked with Jesus, some had not. Jesus has come back from the dead to reveal himself to the disciples. He walked with them for an additional 40 days and then told them he was going to send the comforter. He was going to send them access to a power they had never had previously.

He told them he was going to indwell them with his Spirit and they would do miraculous works that they previously had not been able to do. Why would these works be available to them? So they could glorify God and the Gospel would go forth. Was the power given to impress the believers? No! It was to give the believer the abundant life and show the unbeliever the power of God so they might come to salvation.

Picture this time period if you will; place yourself within the period where the Spirit has fallen after Pentecost. You have been filled with the Holy Spirit. You have witnessed a power never seen before. You are gazing, listening to Peter who has recently been changed from a groveling coward to a bold spokesman for Christ. You hear the rumblings of the Pharisees as they inquire, "Isn’t this the same man we have seen hiding in the shadows previously?" What has happened to him? He is spouting scripture as though he has gone to the finest university, but he is merely a fisherman. Isn't he the one that has been with Jesus of Nazareth? What has happened to him?

As you listen to Peter you feel the fire welling up from inside of you. Your spirit is stirred and you realize that you should be something for Christ. But what can I do? I am nothing. Suddenly the Spirit of God begins to move you and tell you to go pray with the lame man standing by you. You go over to the man. You lay hands on him and proclaim, "Silver and gold have I none, but what I have I give to you. In the name of Jesus rise up and walk." You are not sure if anything is happening, but suddenly he declares he is getting hot. His legs have a strange sensation in them. As you watch in amazement, the lame man begins to rise. He looks in amazement, then in exultation. He begins to scream, "I am healed, I am healed." he begins to praise God and gives his life to Christ. Others are amazed as well and begin to accept Christ.

Many join the church and the Gospel is spread. Yes Rick, but that was then, this is now. Miracles no longer happen in the twenty-first century. Oh really? Why do you believe such a thing? Because “men of God” have convinced you that we no longer serve an all-powerful God? Because these “men of God” have not seen the miraculous so they don't believe it? Well, I have seen God move in miraculous ways. I am not speaking about things that might be construed as coincidence. I am speaking of back healing, leg growing, cancer killing miracles of the Most High God.

God is still alive and all-powerful today. Jesus promises us, if we have faith in him he will do miraculous works through us. It is my prayer, after you have completed this book, you will have faith to move mountains or at least believe it is possible. God is the same now as he was. He still cares about us and loves us.

God is still alive and all powerful today. Jesus promises us, if we have faith in him he will do miraculous works through us.
What would stop God from loving us the same way he loved the first century church? What would stop him from healing the sick and giving sight to the blind? The only thing that will stop him from working in your life is the fear to pray and allow God to work. The only thing that will stop him is the lack of faith of a church that has bought into a twenty-first century deception that God is no longer God or he no longer cares for us.

There are many pastors and men of God who do not believe in the miraculousness of God. I am not saying they are not saved or anything of the kind. I am saying because they do not understand the faith they teach and preach they do not teach the full knowledge of the Word of the Lord. Because of their lack of faith, they teach you to lack faith.

Neither am I saying every single person you pray for will be healed or his or her life will be changed. Every person was not healed when the disciples prayed either. What I am saying is that, you have not because you ask not and when you do ask you desire it for your own lusts (James 4:2-3).

It must also be known that there is much more to the abundant life than healing. There are many gifts of the Spirit which are denied today.

God wants to work his power through you. He wants you to come to the full knowledge of the power that is available to you through faith. He wants you to accept the gifts he desires to give you as described in his Word so you can glorify his name.

I have no doubt that there will be many that will tell you that I am teaching what cannot be right for the twenty-first century. That is their right. What I am telling you is grade this book not on its merits, but by the Word of God. Measure what I am saying through God's Word.

For the most part this will be easy because I am inserting the Scripture for you to read. I am not adding little snippets; I am giving the full Word so that you might be able to understand we serve a loving, all-powerful God who wishes to give you the desires of your heart through his miraculous works. When our desires begin to line up with God's desires, we can accomplish anything.
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