Friday, May 20, 2016

Freedom of the Family

Freedom of the Family
            You think you have been freed from the weight of your sin because you deny the sin in your life. But truthfully, you are bound by the sin in your heart. God's plan was for the perfect family unit. He created Adam and Eve as an example of the completeness of His creation. Satan seeks to destroy the family unit and therefore gives a perverted substitute, homosexuality, which will not naturally reproduce the unit God has put into place. God gave woman and man as an example of His complete compassion both gentle and firm.
            Genesis 19:9 references homosexuality. Lot knew the abomination was so abhorrent that he would rather offer his daughters instead. Nevertheless, the world has relabeled the sin as “alternative.” Perhaps that is an acceptable definition, but more specifically, it is alternative to obedience to God and leads to destruction.
            I heard an argument from a man the other day that said that he was alright with being homosexual and that made it OK. The same might be said for the liar. If a liar sees no wrong in the lies he tells does that mean he is right with God. If the murderer sees no wrong in the murders he has committed does that mean he is right with God? NO! The measurement which must be used is the holiness of God.
            God has stated his rules and until one is willing to admit the sin one is committing, one cannot be forgiven. Unrepentance is the sin that will keep one from entering eternal life.   
            I believe the destruction of the family in twenty-first century America can be directly related to the acceptance of politically correct sins that are accepted in the place of worshipping the truthful God.
            The power we have is the power of family. The family is a unit that God has given us for support in our time of need and struggles. If Satan successfully destroys the family it is more difficult to be victorious over the natural struggles of life.
            As I sit in the funeral of my uncle I marvel at the support each one of the family gives the other. They share the power God has given them to cope with struggles. Unfortunately many don't recognize that the power they are experiencing is God given to cope with the situations of this life. It is through the power of the Holy Spirit that families can remain strong. Families must recognize that God must be placed at the head of the family for them to experience the full power that is offered through Jesus.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Your First Choice; Your Church or Your Country?

Your First Choice; Your Church or Your Country?

            If you were given the mandatory option of Church or country; which would you choose?  Would you die for your religious conviction? The Muslims purport a lie. They are indoctrinated to believe the lie. And they are willing to die for the lie through their convictions. Are you prepared to die for the Truth? If not, do you truly believe in the Truth who is Jesus Christ?
            Patriotism is a wonderful trait if the patriot is of a nation that honors God. However, patriotism on its own merits is empty. There were patriots in Nazi-Germany; there were patriots in communist-Russia; there are patriots in Muslim countries. Patriotism in and of itself is not honorable. Only the ideals of country are what are held in high regard. In turn, those who hold to the moral ideas of the Bible are good patriots.
            Does the previous argument seem exclusive? I hope so! It is only through The Truth that one can hope to have the highest degree of patriotism. Our country was founded on the principles of high ideals upheld in the Word of God. Many today are trying to redirect our moral ideals to include the politically correct lies that are purported by a culture that no longer knows what truth is.
            Therefore, one’s patriotism must be adjusted according to one’s devotion to God rather than country alone. Those Germans who opposed Nazi-Germany were labeled traitors by the government, not patriots. Strangely, it would seem that patriots are generally those who oppose tyrannical governments.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

What is More Important to You, Freedom of Speech or Freedom of Religion?

What is More Important to You, Freedom of Speech or Freedom of Religion?
Both must be held in high regard. The freedom to speak freely in a society allows one to purport his or her religion. In America today, both of these freedoms, speech and religion, are being systematically stripped away. Not necessarily by laws, although there are some laws that restrict these freedoms, but more prevalently, “political correctness.”
            Political correctness is a scourge that strips away the truth. Nothing can be stated as it is; it must be “sugar coated” to be sure that the sin that is at the core of the problem will not be exposed. For example, alcoholism is called a disease; the Bible calls it sin. However, if Satan can get everyone to believe it is a disease, it will be more socially accepted; not dealt with as the problem that it is which can be solved through spiritual means. A disease sounds like something that can be cured with medicine. While there are treatments for “alcoholism,” they do not address the confession that must be made to ensure the sin at the root of the problem is dealt with.
            Christianity is attacked systematically because it is said to be an intolerant religion. However, what can be more intolerant than a religion such as, Islam that purports killing people for their beliefs if they are different from their own. True Christianity is the most tolerant religion there is. Christians welcome others into their midst to hear the Gospel in the hopes that they will understand a true and loving God.
            Yes, there have been periods of time that Christians have killed those who had not held to the beliefs of the period, but that is not the Christianity of the Bible; that is not what was taught by Jesus.
            Islam on the other hand, teaches to kill those who will not convert to Islam. When Christians get committed to Christ they love and forgive. When Muslims get committed to Mohamed, they kill and destroy anything and anyone that stands in the way of Islam.
            Jesus said, “The thief comes to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that you might have life and that more abundantly (John 10:10).”

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

The Freedom Of The Average American From The Christian Point Of View

The Freedom Of The Average American From The Christian Point Of View

What does freedom mean to you?

            I believe the average American sees freedom as a vehicle that allows one to do as he or she wants. The average American Christian most likely views freedom from a similar vantage point. However, freedom is much more than that. Freedom is not regulated by circumstances. Freedom is regulated from the heart of those who are free.
            What made the slaves revolt and seek freedom? They were free in their heart. They burned with the desire to live as their heart was living.
            There have been many slaves who have succumbed to their surroundings, but the man or woman who is free in their heart will not accept bondage. He or she will fight for freedom. Generally, those types of individuals will become leaders for a greater cause that will lead others to freedom as well.
            In America today, many have forgotten what freedom looks like. They are content to accept aid from the government and maintain the status the government has told them they should have. Freedom is foreign to them because they are not free at heart. True freedom is only experienced when on understands the freedom God has granted to all men and women who will receive His grace.

Monday, May 16, 2016

Freedom through the Word

Freedom Through the Word

It is in times of stress and disappointment His freedom is felt the most. When there is no one else to turn to, He will listen. The time to turn to God is every day to form the relationship that is healthy for the Christian to live his or her life. He understands better than anyone when the hurt goes deep.
The relationship nurtured in the good times allows us to come closer to God in the times of struggle. It is only through the comfort He offers that one can understand His power and His grace. It is through faith we turn to Him and accept the fact that He has our struggles in His hands and is faithful to see us through.
As the daily grind moves on, our faith is weakened. That is why prayer and study are so important. It is only through prayer and contact with God that we can overcome the daily pressures we face every day. Sometimes our hurts go deeper than others can understand because they seem petty to those who would be looking from the outside in or from one who has already experienced and overcome a similar struggle.
For example, a child might be distraught from losing a race or getting a “C” instead of an “A” on a paper. The adult who has come through the struggle the child is facing knows that the struggle will soon be over and forgotten and might dismiss the struggle being faced as insignificant. Even so, it is no less devastating in the moment for the child.
God sees from the inside out and understands what motivates our hurts. Sometimes those hurts are motivated by selfish desires which must be confessed. However, other times the hurts are motivated by past experiences that have not fully healed. These are hurts that others cannot see and are ignorant of. Therefore, what triggers the existing hurt is not known by onlookers, making your existing situation seem small to those around you. This is a time when you must ask for God to give you the power of grace. God’s grace will keep you from turning bitter to those who don't understand what you are currently experiencing.
As you forgive those around you for making light of the hurt you are currently go through, you will be released of future hurts from the event that affects your present situation. This forgiveness allows you to experience true freedom and move through the struggle on to victory.