Wednesday, May 18, 2016

What is More Important to You, Freedom of Speech or Freedom of Religion?

What is More Important to You, Freedom of Speech or Freedom of Religion?
Both must be held in high regard. The freedom to speak freely in a society allows one to purport his or her religion. In America today, both of these freedoms, speech and religion, are being systematically stripped away. Not necessarily by laws, although there are some laws that restrict these freedoms, but more prevalently, “political correctness.”
            Political correctness is a scourge that strips away the truth. Nothing can be stated as it is; it must be “sugar coated” to be sure that the sin that is at the core of the problem will not be exposed. For example, alcoholism is called a disease; the Bible calls it sin. However, if Satan can get everyone to believe it is a disease, it will be more socially accepted; not dealt with as the problem that it is which can be solved through spiritual means. A disease sounds like something that can be cured with medicine. While there are treatments for “alcoholism,” they do not address the confession that must be made to ensure the sin at the root of the problem is dealt with.
            Christianity is attacked systematically because it is said to be an intolerant religion. However, what can be more intolerant than a religion such as, Islam that purports killing people for their beliefs if they are different from their own. True Christianity is the most tolerant religion there is. Christians welcome others into their midst to hear the Gospel in the hopes that they will understand a true and loving God.
            Yes, there have been periods of time that Christians have killed those who had not held to the beliefs of the period, but that is not the Christianity of the Bible; that is not what was taught by Jesus.
            Islam on the other hand, teaches to kill those who will not convert to Islam. When Christians get committed to Christ they love and forgive. When Muslims get committed to Mohamed, they kill and destroy anything and anyone that stands in the way of Islam.
            Jesus said, “The thief comes to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that you might have life and that more abundantly (John 10:10).”

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