Thursday, August 21, 2014

Vision is the Roadmap to Success

Vision is the Road Map to Success


            For hundreds of years people had tried to complete the wall, but to no success. Many of their neighbors laughed when they saw that it was going to be attempted again. There was no need to try; IT COULD NOT BE DONE! There were very few tools to use and even less material. Still, he knew that it was an undertaking that must be done. It was something that indicated independence, freedom and power. The wall must be completed, but how? So many had gone before and failed. So many had attempted the great feat and did not even get started let alone finish the project. It seemed insurmountable. Nevertheless, the wall of Jerusalem had to be completed. Nehemiah had a vision of the wall of Jerusalem being complete.
            Simply asking the authority of the age for permission could be construed as treason. Nevertheless, it was a mission that had to be completed. Nehemiah was highly trusted by King Artaxerxes, therefore, when the king recognized that Nehemiah was sad and not himself he asked what he could do to help. Nehemiah then made the request to rebuild the wall of Jerusalem. Artaxerxes not only granted his request, he sent letters of recommendation as well.
            There was much opposition to building the wall. There were not only hecklers; there were those who wanted to physically oppose it. Even so, Nehemiah started to build the wall. It got to the point that the Jews had to work with a sword strapped to their side. Nehemiah was driven by his dream. He was not only successful, but completed the wall in 52 days. How was that done? Nehemiah had each clan focus on the wall in front of them. Each clan had a mission to finish what they could see. There is great wisdom in what this story teaches.
            You will have opposition to your dream, but if you have a vision you will succeed. There will be times when your dream will seem insurmountable, but without the vision you will not complete the task. Knowing where you are going is a major part of your success. The vision will help you to overcome the failures. The vision is “the big picture.” Goal setting helps you to see mile markers completed, the vision helps you to reach for your goal.
            What is your vision for yourself? What is your vision for your church, your family, your business, your job? Do you have a vision for yourself or for the church? Are you just walking merrily along not thinking about anything except what comes your way?
            A vision without action is a pipe-dream! An action without a vision is busy work! When you have a vision and put action with it you have faith in action. Your dreams will come true.
            God has given me a vision for my radio ministry, music ministry, my family and host of other things in my life. This vision has been confirmed to me time and time again and can be summed up by stating, “Give the Gospel!” However, specifics must still be realized.
            It is time that we begin to understand what God wants us to do and how we are to complete the vision he has for us. The only way to do that is through prayer and seeking God for the specifics he has for your life. Once he has spoken his vision for your life to you, you must begin to work toward that vision.

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